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Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 68
Threads: 25
Members: 4
Posts per day: 0.84
Threads per day: 0.31
Members per day: 0.05
Posts per member: 17
Threads per member: 6.25
Replies per thread: 1.72
Newest Member: Phenex
Members who have posted: 75%
Today's top poster: Nobody (0 posts)
Most popular forum: The Underground (14 posts, 1 threads)

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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Beautiful and Terrible (13 replies)
658 Burnwood Lot (11 replies)
I'm Not Yours (11 replies)
Let the fire burn (6 replies)
The Council (2 replies)
Taste the Rainbow (0 replies)
Nikolai Dragomir (0 replies)
Jason Warner (0 replies)
Luna Hardt (0 replies)
Gregory Alexander (0 replies)
Kassandra (0 replies)
Cormach (0 replies)
Heather Mason, Alpha Shifter (0 replies)
General Discussions go here (0 replies)
Queen Mahalia, Leader (Disputed) of the city of Apocaleptika (0 replies)
Beautiful and Terrible (488 views)
I'm Not Yours (185 views)
General Discussions go here (178 views)
658 Burnwood Lot (143 views)
Queen Mahalia, Leader (Disputed) of the city of Apocaleptika (121 views)
Let the fire burn (103 views)
Gregory Alexander (83 views)
Nikolai Dragomir (74 views)
Heather Mason, Alpha Shifter (72 views)
Jason Warner (64 views)
Luna Hardt (59 views)
Cormach (56 views)
Kassandra (53 views)
For your information (53 views)
The Council (51 views)

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